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We are a “GOOD” Nursery and OFSTED say so too!! Read the report

Welcome to Future Childcare

  • We aim to provide a safe, secure, caring and stimulating environment where children's self confidence and esteem can grow.
  • To provide enjoyable activities where they can gain knowledge, life experience and be able to integrate with children of similar ages.
  • To provide a background which reflects and respects the various cultures and backgrounds in which people live.
  • To encourage self-respect, courtesy, politeness and to provide a natural transition from nursery life to school life to ensure that each child is well prepared for the national curriculum.

“Managers and staff provide a highly inclusive setting. Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities make very good progress. Children settle quickly into this inviting and welcoming setting. They form positive relationships with staff and their friends. Children show high levels of confidence and independence.”
Quote from Oct 2022 Ofsted Report - Read the report.